full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anu Puusa: The case for co-ops, the invisible giant of the economy

Unscramble the Blue Letters

A cooperative is an organization that is onewd by its memerbs, who are also its customer and decision maker. And unlike most businesses, where certain owners can buy more power and influence, in a cooperative, every mebemr has one vote, which was a rinrlouvaoety idea back when the model was first introduced. A regular man, not to mention a woman, with no significant means or a prestigious position in a society, as an owner, an equal partner in bsinsues? Unheard of. Perhaps it's still a bit revolutionary.

Open Cloze

A cooperative is an organization that is _____ by its _______, who are also its customer and decision maker. And unlike most businesses, where certain owners can buy more power and influence, in a cooperative, every ______ has one vote, which was a _____________ idea back when the model was first introduced. A regular man, not to mention a woman, with no significant means or a prestigious position in a society, as an owner, an equal partner in ________? Unheard of. Perhaps it's still a bit revolutionary.


  1. business
  2. member
  3. members
  4. revolutionary
  5. owned

Original Text

A cooperative is an organization that is owned by its members, who are also its customer and decision maker. And unlike most businesses, where certain owners can buy more power and influence, in a cooperative, every member has one vote, which was a revolutionary idea back when the model was first introduced. A regular man, not to mention a woman, with no significant means or a prestigious position in a society, as an owner, an equal partner in business? Unheard of. Perhaps it's still a bit revolutionary.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
cooperative movement 6
man named 2
community energy 2

Important Words

  1. bit
  2. business
  3. businesses
  4. buy
  5. cooperative
  6. customer
  7. decision
  8. equal
  9. idea
  10. influence
  11. introduced
  12. maker
  13. man
  14. means
  15. member
  16. members
  17. mention
  18. model
  19. organization
  20. owned
  21. owner
  22. owners
  23. partner
  24. position
  25. power
  26. prestigious
  27. regular
  28. revolutionary
  29. significant
  30. society
  31. unheard
  32. vote
  33. woman